Martial Arts Self-Awareness Journey
Martial Arts Podcast & Blog
Join me as I explore and share my process of bringing the essence of martial arts back to self through this Martial Arts self-awareness journey with a focus on self-development.
Latest Episodes
Episode 1: Exercise, Willpower & Self-Principle
In the very first episode of the Martial Art of Self podcast, I share my personal insights and realizations when it comes to exercise, willpower, self-principle and laziness to exercising. We explore the following questions: Is it possible to push through the laziness to...
Episode 2: What Is Your Relationship To Martial Arts? – Part 1
In this episode of Martial Art of Self, we explore the question: ‘’What is my relationship to martial arts?’’ Working with your own personal definition of martial arts can assist in understanding how you interpret this art form and whether it supports you completely...